Trying to be a "streamin" mama instead of a screaming mama!

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Monday, May 24, 2010

Brutal Night

1.  Last night was ghastly.  Grace fell asleep and then was up within the hour and didn't fall back to sleep til 5 am.  She slept three hours and then I took her to school.  She wasn't able to swim for the third week in a row because she was just too tired when she got there.  I explained our situation to the person that heads up the swimming and she was nice enough to give us a credit for the unused classes.  Can you believe Grace is still awake now at 10:15 pm?!  I don't know how her little body can keep going.  It was all I could do today to get up and clean up her massive mess and then get her to school and Lola to her gym class.  Then later we went to friends' for a play date and then to swimming.  I did take on the ambitious job of cleaning out the craft cabinet.  That was spurred by not being able to find Grace's project that is due Friday.  Neither of us have no idea where it could be.  I was happy to find some lost library books, though.

2.  I just booked the hotel for my OH weekend.  I decided to stay where my aunt and uncle are staying.  Hopefully my sister and her partner will stay with me.  Since we just stayed at a Choice Hotel I'll now have the opportunity to get the $50 Chili's gift card for staying two times by August.  So, not that I'm trying to make a profit on the weekend, glad that something positive can come out of it.  I'm really dreading it.  I'm not looking forward to going through all my mom's things.  Although, I do hope I can find some things to bring home as mementos.  I gave her a bracelet for Christmas and when I went to see the psychic she told me that my mom wanted me to have the bracelet-and to wear it!

3.  I'm praying for some sleep for all of us tonight.  Tomorrow I'm planning to meet a new friend for coffee and then go to my yoga class.  I hope this happens!  (I just figured out how to use spell check and won't have the yellow marks anymore!)

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