1. Why am I doing this blog? I realize it has no real purpose or theme and is probably boring to most people. I'm really trying to think of a niche to write about, but can't come up with something compelling that hasn't been done before.
2. Today was cold and rainy and just plain lousy. I did make it to yoga, which helped my spirits. Grace came home early and we went to storytime. Grace decided to read about dogs while we were there instead of participating. She is putting on the full court press for a dog. She knows exactly the kind she wants and keeps telling us things about it, how she'll take care of it and on and on. We don't feel it's a good time for a dog-and may never will be. I know that it will be me that will end up taking care of it. I also wonder how we'd work it out to be away as much as we are and have a dog.
3. I made the nastiest dinner tonight. I am so uninspired. I knew I'd be gone til after 6 so I threw some chicken in the crockpot with what I thought was going to be tomatoes. It was crushed tomatoes and was more like tomato sauce than tomatoes. Then I threw rice in with water and put it on high. The chicken turned out moist and tender, but the flavor with the tomatoes wasn't very good and the rice was still crunchy. I took the chicken out and will probably wash it off and make pulled chicken sandwiches or enchiladas out of it tomorrow night. I can't stand the thought of wasting it. Rich ended up going to a diner for dinner.
Keep writing. You never know what will come of it. Don't worry about picking a niche that has never been done before. Pick something you're passionate about and the readers will come.
I enjoy your posts too!