Trying to be a "streamin" mama instead of a screaming mama!

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Thursday, April 29, 2010

Keeping it Real

1.  I got back from the cruise and thought I'd weigh myself.  I never weigh myself.  Well, I was the heaviest I've ever been.  I decided to start keeping track of what I'm eating.  It's amazing how that simple act has kept me from eating a lot of stuff I shouldn't be eating-and that I'd normally eat.  I'm not on a diet, but am trying to be more mindful about what I'm putting in my body.  I'm trying to get back on an exercise regime and did pretty well this week with a treadmill walk, walk in New Canaan today before my dentist appointment and a pilates class.  Whoa!  Pilates looks easy, but it's not!  This was a mat class and it's all about stretching and core strength.  It's truly an amazing workout and will complement my cardio and weight training well.

2.  I mentioned my dentist appointment today.  Thankfully all is well.  Last appointment the hygienist really had to go to town with her instruments as it had been a year since my last check up.  This time it was a painless procedure and I was out in no time.  I'm usually fastidious about my teeth and was ashamed to admit it had been that long between appointments.  Both my kids have teeth issues.  Grace has already had 4 pulpotomies after about 10 cavities.  Lola has already had one filling and a spot we're watching.  I wish I had been even more careful with their teeth, but have been told that their problems probably came in utero, which I couldn't have helped.  But, I do make them floss every night.  Grace often tries for a "floss break" and I rarely give in!

3.  I haven't felt very motivated to do much this week.  The only reason I'm writing tonight is a friend said she'd "read about it on my blog."  I have so much to deal with-roofer, landscapers, insurance agent, etc.  As another friend and I always say, "Calgon, take me away!"  You'd only know what that means if you're of a certain age!

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