1. Thankfully Lola slept through the night last night! Too bad I heard Grace at 4! She was up getting something to eat and then reading. At least she can entertain herself. It was tough getting her up, though, after she fell back to sleep. It was tough for me to get up. I then had a burst of energy and started cleaning out a closet and putting away all the winter clothes and packing donation boxes up. Too bad all that stuff is still sitting out. Lola could only play and watch a movie for so long and then wanted to play with me. We went outside to play soccer and couldn't believe how hot it was! Did we bypass spring?!
2. My trainer came and I made it through the work out even though I was feeling very low-energy. Lola had fun playing around while I was sweating it. I can't believe the cruise is coming up so quickly. So much for the images of me in a bikini! Ha! Too bad I can't give up my sweets. That would really help things along!
3. It was a very busy day and I had the forethought to make bread in the bread maker and put chicken in the crock pot. We went to storytime and then picked up Grace and brought her home and then ran out to her social skills class. Lola was asleep through most of this. That's probably why she's still awake at 10 pm! While Grace was in her class we made our weekly pilgrimage over to CVS for gum and she rode her scooter around the parking lot. We stopped for printer ink and gas on the way home. I'm trying to figure out how to print, but save money on ink. We spend a fortune on the stuff! We stopped in to get gas and then I realized we were at a car wash and there was no way out without a wash! I decided to just go ahead and get the wash because it was a $2 savings with the gas and the car needed a wash anyway! The dinner was almost ready at home. Too bad the girls had no interest in my chicken, couscous, green beans and bread. I'm beyond frustrated at meal time.
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