1. Weekends are always spent going here or there as we don't usually like to stay home. This past weekend, though, I had lots to do to prepare for vacation. Sunday morning Rich told me he'd take the girls to the Bronx Zoo. Wow! What a day I had! I worked most of the day, but really enjoyed doing it by myself. They ended up being gone from 9:30-6! He called and had me go out and get Planet Pizza. Ugh! We have that so often that it is not a treat. I finally have started saving the coupons on the box that if you save 10 you get a free pizza. We're well on the way. Rich even told me that maybe he'll take the kids one weekend day a month and go have a daddy and kids day. Sounds good to me!
2. The kids both slept through the night last night! I'm so tired because I keep staying up too late-like now, case in point! I was watching Dancing with the Stars. Last night I watched Undercover Boss. Why am I so obsessed with reality tv?! I'm also trying to finish The Help. It's a fantastic book, by the way. I had to take back The Space Between Us because it's already due at the library. I hadn't even started it yet. I'd like to take it on vacation, but couldn't renew it because it was on hold. I don't like buying books and would like to borrow one if someone has a copy.
3. Mondays are always good days because the cleaning ladies come and make me feel like I'm starting anew every week. I'm always running around "cleaning" in front of them. Then I take Lola to her gym class. I then got a lot of little things done. I've been trying to decide on an electricity provider since CT has been de-regulated. It really seems like a no-brainer to switch from CL&P to save some bucks. I've narrowed it down to two companies and think I'm going with Viridian because it's a greener company, they have a tie in with the Weston Booster Club and the rates are reasonable. I also got some info about an insurance company called, "Pure" in the mail and called the local rep. I want to see if I can lower our home and auto rates. I figure if I'm saving money by taking my trash to the dump, maybe I can find ways to save even more on the really big things we spend money on! We finished up the day with the kids at swim class and came home to dinner, homework and play. Rich was in the city at a dinner meeting tonight. He ate at La Colonial. It's an excellent Vietnamese restaurant with a sister restaurant in Saigon where we ate when we were there. I'm a bit envious!
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