Trying to be a "streamin" mama instead of a screaming mama!

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Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Back in the Saddle Again

1.  Yesterday I worked out with my trainer again!  I had hired a trainer last year to come to our house once a week to train me.  When school ended for the summer I stopped.  Now that I only have 6 weeks til our cruise, I thought I'd hire her to whip me into shape!  I've been sick with a cold or maybe sinus infection, but that didn't stop me!  After the workout yesterday and Lola waking me 5 times the previous night, I was absolutely pooped last night.  Today I went to the gym.  Ah, feels good after the snow and sickness hiatus.  I just feel more like my old self when I'm exercising.

2.  It seems like whenever one thing is going well something else slips.  I didn't get meals planned this week.  Tonight I pulled out a previously cooked chicken dish from the freezer and made a box of TJ's risotto.  I boiled pasta for the kids.  I'm in such a meal rut.  Lola is extremely picky and pretty much only wants to eat cheese.  Every night she barely eats dinner and then wants food right at bedtime.  I always give in because she's a little peanut and I want her to eat.  I know she's probably hungry, but probably also just trying to stay up later.  I always thought I'd parent like I was parented.  You eat your dinner or you don't get anything else that night.  Period.

3.  I'm taking a meditation class.  Have I practiced?  Once.  Monday night after a guided meditation with the teacher, she asked me if I had relaxed.  Before I could really say anything she said that I hadn't as my shoulders hadn't sagged like they should.  Then when I was working out with the trainer she told me I have a knot in my shoulder.  So, tomorrow I'm heading for a massage.  I have a zillion pre-paid massages from my membership at Massage Envy.  It's so hard to get there, but once I do I feel so much better.

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