1. Well, tomorrow is it! No more trash pick up for this house! I've decided to start taking the trash and recyclables to the transfer station in our own town. This is going to save a substantial amount of money! It's very convenient to have trash pick up, which I've had most of my life. I do remember making "dump runs" with my dad as a kid, but as an adult, I've always had the luxury of not having to deal with trash. Well, I am the one that has to take it out, sort the recyclables, etc., but never had to put it in my car and take it somewhere. The recyclables are free to dispose of and the trash is $1/bag. This just seems like a no-brainer to me. I'm going to make a plan to take it one day a week and try to stick to the plan. If I don't, it will get very stinky around here! I'll let you know how it goes-and what I do with the "extra" money!
2. I keep thinking about the meditation class I took. No, I haven't been meditating, but I did get something out of it. I'm constantly feeling like I'm behind in everything in my life. I can't keep up with books and magazines, with workouts, with meal planning-you name it, I can't keep up with it! The one thing that stuck with me from the meditation training was that when your mind starts to wander, to not beat yourself up, but to just "bring it back." This means to focus on your breathing and clear your mind again. If your mind starts to wander, just bring it back again. I think this is an excellent thing to keep in mind at all times. Don't beat yourself up over all these things, but do the best that you can and then bring it back!
3. Sleep was definitely better for all last night. I was awakened at 5:45 by a large "thud" downstairs. I ran down to find Grace had knocked a barstool over. She says she was up since 2:54. I'm not sure if that was true, but she did get right to sleep tonight. Lola is waking at a better hour, too, which should get her to school on time tomorrow. She and I went to the gym, Stop & Shop, storytime and then picked up Grace. We went home for a break and then went to Grace's social skills class. This was the first time this semester I didn't have to bribe her to go. Is that progress?! Then Lola and I went to Stew's and picked up two huge bags of soil and pansies. Lola has been begging for a garden. So, we'll do some pots first to see how it goes. She also got some cute little "Dora" gloves and gardening tools. Now I have to get motivated to actually get these flowers planted tomorrow. I copped out tonight and got a pizza from Stew's. I got a plain and put onion and red pepper on the adult half. Neither kid ate any pizza, but Rich and I enjoyed it. Lola had a tummy ache today and some potty issues. I sure hope she feels better for school tomorrow!
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