Trying to be a "streamin" mama instead of a screaming mama!

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Friday, March 19, 2010

Oh, What a Beautiful Day!

1.  Oh, what a beautiful day, should be sung to the tune of "Oh, what a beautiful morning, oh, what a beautiful day!"  from Oklahoma!  My entire being so needed the warmth and playfulness that was to be had outside yesterday.  I had things to do in the morning and then let Lola watch a movie, but by 3 we were out on our playset.  Instead of just standing and watching her, I joined in the fun.  I've decided my new thing is to try to have fun with the kids-even if I don't feel like it!  I climbed up the rock wall and slid down the slide a bunch of times.  I even did the unthinkable-climbed up the slide!  We then went to the bus stop and met Grace and then we took off scootering.  I don't have a scooter, but I do run alongside as they both are getting so good and speedy!  I try to be patient when they stop along the route and want to collect rocks, pinecones, etc.  Or, they adore any kind of water and love to throw stones or sticks or poke around in it.

2.  Now I know what does the trick to help kids eat dinner!  Yes, get them outside without so much as a morsel of a snack before dinner.  I couldn't believe they both sat right down at the table and gobbled everything up that I put in front of them!  Granted, it was stuff they liked.  Lola had requested mac and cheese.  I didn't have a box or frozen entree or even any macaroni.  So, I broke up a bunch of brown rice spaghetti.  Then I took some mozzarella and cheddar and melted it in some whole milk.  When the pasta was done I reserved a tiny bit of the pasta water in the pan and then poured the melted cheese in.  You'd think I had made Lola a gourmet meal!  I made turkey tacos for Rich and me.  I knew Grace would eat the refried beans in a taco shell.  She stuffed two of them full and ate every drop.  I also gave them a bowl of fresh berries each and those were devoured.  I will say they both said they were still hungry before bed.  They both had a banana and seemed satiated.  They both were completely overtired by the time we finally got to the bedtime routine.  Note to self-make sure any movie is done by 7:30 so the tv can go off.  After much to do and crying, Grace got to sleep very quickly and had a great night.  Lola finally was down by 9:30 and is still power-sleeping away.  It was a good night for all!

3.  I'd like to talk about how important it is to be an advocate for your child.  We've met with a social worker recently that has instilled the importance of routines, rules, and advocacy in me.  These are not new concepts, but ones that are extremely hard to put in place-especially if you are as laid back as me!  I set up a meeting at school to talk about Grace and her moving forward to the next school.  Rich joined me and we were so pleasantly surprised by the warmth with which we were received and the truly loving care that is given the children.  We felt our concerns (and then some) were answered and would be addressed appropriately.  I can't stress how important it is for you to address your concerns where your children are concerned.  You'll be glad you did!

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