Trying to be a "streamin" mama instead of a screaming mama!

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Thursday, March 11, 2010

Massage and Junk Food

1. I started the day with great intentions of getting a massage and then going to the gym.  Well, I made it for my massage!  I then went to Trader Joe's for a leisurely shopping trip and then just had to take a shower to get all the oil out of my hair.  Then it was time to get Lola.  I did do a pretty good hill walk on the treadmill.  Before that I ate almost a whole bag of chips!  TJ's has a baked potato chip with salt and vinegar.  Mmm, they were so good I couldn't stop!

2. Tonight I made some ice cream.  There is a simple chocolate ice cream recipe that I've made a few times.  For some reason I decided to dump the cream in the ice cream bowl first and then put the other ingredients in another bowl to mix.  By the time I put the ingredients all together the cream had frozen in the bowl.  I wasn't able to get the little paddle in the bowl.  Grace was so sweet!  She sat on the counter and literally stirred the ice cream for almost half an hour!  So, it did work, but was way more work than usual.  I didn't let it go as long either, so it was quite soft.  While watching House Hunters I ate a bowl with slivered almonds on top.  Double yum!

3. Lola napped in the car again this afternoon.  Two days in a row she's taken a doozy of an afternoon nap.  Tonight she was so whiny.  She insisted on sleeping in dirty clothes-no pj's.  She insisted on wearing jewelry to bed and was picky about brushing teeth and what book to read and what stuff she brought to bed.  Ugh-I certainly hope this is just a phase!  I can't stand a whiny kid!

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