Trying to be a "streamin" mama instead of a screaming mama!

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Monday, April 5, 2010

Sleep, What's That?!

1.  We didn't get a good sleep in NYC and then last night Lola called me a bunch of times starting at 3 am.   Finally I took her to the guest room and turned on the tv and "slept" there while she watched cartoons.  Thank goodness for all night programming for kids!  Amazingly, she only took a brief morning nap and then went to her Little Gym class and swim class this afternoon.  We had some down time in between, but she stayed awake til about 9 tonight.  I'm still up and wondering why!

2.  I actually stayed up to clean up my desk.  I also wanted to enter my bills in so I can start tracking our energy usage.  I've been meaning to look into electric suppliers, too, and have started the search at  There are a lot of things to take into consideration.  For example, how "green" the energy is, how much they charge, any complaints lodged against them, are they hooked in with another company or non-profit, etc.  I'm leaning toward Viridian to help out the Weston High School Boosters.

3.   Today was my first dump run!  In my attempt to shave costs where I can, I cancelled our trash service and decided to take the trash to the transfer station myself.  It was very painless and rather enjoyable!  The day was beautiful and Lola helped me put the stickers on the bags and put the recyclables in the bins.  I was nervous about the weight of the bags and the procedure, but was helped out by a nice garbage collector that was there dumping the truck.  He tried to sway me to switch to his company, but I told him I just cancelled them to try to save some bucks.  He said a lot of people are doing that.  It turned out that there was noone there monitoring what you do or weighing your trash.  It's an honor system and suited me just fine.  I feel so virtuous when I'm saving money!

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